Workshop: Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro

Workshop: Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro

by Baynard Bailey -
Number of replies: 0

February 26, 2020 3:30 pm Sci Vis Lab, BLS 101

ArcGIS Pro logo (globe in a hexagon)ArcGIS Pro is ESRI’s next generation Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping and analysis software and successor to ArcGIS Desktop, used broadly by Vassar students and faculty in many departments. The purpose of this workshop is to familiarize students and faculty who currently use, or are interested, to use GIS software with ArcGIS Pro. Prior exposure to GIS software is recommended but not required. Led by Neil Curri, Academic GIS Computing Consultant and Adjunct Instructor at Vassar College.

(Edited by Steven Taylor - original submission Monday, February 24, 2020, 1:17 PM)